Sunday, July 8, 2007



My biggest complaint with them which I just found out about is that they take a $3 processing fee when they send your payment. I was going to get my payout for this past month but upped my payout to $20 instead of $10 because I want to cut down on that processing fee. Now it will only be $1.50 per $10.
I signed up and payed for the premium account. It is $10 to sign up and I think it was worth it. I have made my money back as of right now and I still have another 51 weeks to enjoy the benefits. When I first signed up I was surprised with over 500 clicks in my account.
Talk about clicker
Check back the beginning of next month to see if I made payout.

Click here to join Clixsense!


cash4referral said...

I agree with you on the premium upgrade of ClixSense. I broke even of it within 2 weeks of upgrading. Good luck on your quest to reaching payout, you'll get there in no time at all I'm sure.

Warren Contreras said...

You can beat that $3 check fee if you elect to convert your earnings to ad credits. I find the potential is far greater than anything else I could do with the funds since it's such a responsive program. Using my ad credits I put myself into second place in a recruiting contest in a couple of weeks that will pay a LOT more.