Thursday, August 2, 2007


(STAR rating to come)

I just joined Blogvertise late last night. It seems like a neat place and easy to do. I am still learning everything there but basically they will send me tasks to blog about. It is a big range of things that I will have to blog about. Good thing I am a blog-a-holic.

If you are interested in joining and posting blogs for money too click here....Blogvertise From what I read you can post good things, just facts or even what you don't like about them as long as you post. The blog should be 2-3 paragraphs long. How fast can you spit out a blog? I know I can run on and on but I will stop now.

And you are able to advertise with Blogvertiser, which is a great way to reach a lot of people since everyone is into creating and reading blogs. We all want to know where our blogs stand with all the other similar ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow very beautiful and stylish blog! Want to exchange links? My blog is at