Tuesday, September 4, 2007



I was getting close to hitting payout and a week ago they sent me an e-mail asking me to refrain clicking my own ads. What would be the point in clicking my own ads. I had one time because I was actually interested in it.
So a couple days ago I got another e-mail stating that they TERMINATED my account! WTH?!?!
Again they told me one of the reasons was I was CLICKING MY OWN ADS.
I think this site might be a scam. Kind of weird that all the sudden when I get near payout they cancel my account. Hmmm.

Bidvertiser and kiss it!!!



Anonymous said...

Bad news. I just don't trust it either. I find adbrite allot better anyway.

Tristen said...

I was going to sign up for their ads too, I guess I will just wait and stay with Google for right now. I'm not that much of a hurry to cashout anyways so I can wait until I get to $100.