Tuesday, September 4, 2007


APAIROF - I got 2 e-mails verifying my payout. One to my paypal e-mail and one to my aPairOf e-mail. $1.28

DONKEYMAILS - I am expecting to be paid $1 on September 5th.

MORATRAFFIC - 09/01/2007 11:43 Commissions Payment -7.16000 (copied from their site)

DealBarbiePays - $20 but they pay at the end of the following month so I will get my payment in a few weeks.

CLIXSENSE - $17.75 Payment Pending right now.

So just from these 5 I have made $47.19

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is good. You have found some good earners there.